Videos: Epilepsy & the Ketogenic Diet
VIDEO: 2004 Dateline NBC (part one) & (part two)
Uploaded on Apr 28, 2008
Dateline reports how the ketogenic diet cured Charlie Abrahams' epilepsy. For more about The Charlie Foundation visit
VIDEO: Epilepsy & The Ketogenic Diet – Dr. Adam Hartman (Full Interview)
Published on Jul 26, 2016 Dr. Adam Hartman
Associate Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics: Johns Hopkins University
Director: Center for Pediatric Rasmussen Syndrome, The Johns Hopkins Hospital
VIDEO: Epilepsy & The Ketogenic Diet – Dr. Eric Kossoff (Full Interview)
Published on Jul 25, 2016
Dr. Eric Kossoff
Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics
Johns Hopkins University
VIDEO: Using Diet to Deal with Epilepsy - Lee Memorial Health System
"The ketogenic diet has been around for decades. It is a special diet where there's a high fat/protein- low/ carbohydrate ratio that produces what's called ketosis. Instead of circulating glucose through the blood, you circulate ketone bodies and these are anti-epileptic," says Dr. Philipps.
The ketogenic diet drew skepticism because it turns the food pyramid upside down. Ninety percent of the calories are fat, 7% are protein, and 3% are carbohydrate. Many studies find it sharply reduces or eliminates seizures - in particular in kids.
"The ketogenic diet can be used as early as infancy," says Dr. Philipps.
VIDEO: New High-Fat Diet Helps Epilepsy Patients
Published on Mar 29, 2012
A Severn couple dealing with their daughter's severe epilepsy said a ketogenic diet that's high in fat has changed their 7-year-old's life.
VIDEO: Keto Diet: Possible Epilepsy breakthrough
Uploaded on Apr 22, 2011
Keto Diet: Possible Epilepsy breakthrough
The Ketogenic Diet and Autism Spectrum Disorders - Part 1
Published on Feb 28, 2019
Presented by Kelly Barnhill, MBA, CN, CCN The Johnson Center for Child Health & Development
VIDEO: The Ketogenic Diet | Growing Up with Epilepsy
Published on Aug 17, 2016
During his first year of life, Evan had two seizures triggered by fever. At the age of three and a half, his seizures returned, at first sporadically, then more frequently, progressing to 50 to 60 seizures per day
VIDEO: Epilepsy & the Ketogenic Diet - Stacey Bessone, RD (Full Interview) Published on Jul 25, 2016
Stacey Bessone, RD
Stacey Bessone is the registered dietitian at the
Neuroscience Institute Epileptology Center at
All Children’s Hospital, Johns Hopkins Medicine
In St. Petersburg, Florida
VIDEO: Epilepsy and Diet: Best Choices to Improve Health
Published on Mar 28, 2016
An excerpt from our complimentary CME session on Adult Epilepsy from two MD experts.
This video covers diets from the Standard American Diet, Ketogenic Diet, Atkins, and a Low Glycemic Index Diet and their effects on people living with epilepsy. Includes data on how well they work.
VIDEO: Meryl Streep - The Ketogenic Diet
Uploaded on Aug 3, 2009
Meryl Streep introduces the ketogenic diet. Treatment for epilepsy.
VIDEO: Ketogenic Diet and Epilepsy
Published on May 2, 2012
You might have heard the term "brain food" used to describe food that's good for you. Doctors at Mayo Clinic say there really is a diet that benefits the brain. But this diet is not for everybody. It's for kids who have epilepsy, and it's based on extremely high fats and very few carbs. More on how the ketogenic diet is helping some kids with epilepsy become seizure free (Mayo Clinic)
VIDEO: The Ketogenic Diet: A Cure for Tyler's Epilepsy
Uploaded on Feb 26, 2011
When it comes to epilepsy, Hopkins Children's doctors know early diagnosis and immediate treatment could mean the difference between managing the disease with medication or actually curing it with something as seemingly simple as a diet. No one knows this better than Tyler Zeman's family. He was perfectly healthy until he was six months old and everything changed.
VIDEO: ABC NEWS: Ketogenic Diet: How Can a High-Fat Diet Treat Epilepsy
Uploaded on Apr 21, 2011
Children with seizures can be cured on a low carbohydrate, high fat ketogenic diet.
VIDEO: Epilepsy week: Ketogenic diet roundtable
Published on May 20, 2015
Emma at the Ketogenic diet roundtable for Nutricia and Matthew's friends
VIDEO: Epilepsy & the Ketogenic Diet - Dr. Susan Masino (Full Interview)
Published on Jul 25, 2016
Dr. Susan Masino
Vernon Roosa Professor of Applied Science
Trinity College
VIDEO: Epilepsy Awareness - Kaylee's story and what we do for her diet –
Published on Nov 11, 2012
This is a video about Kaylee's diet and the struggles that got us to this point. We talk a bit about what we have to do make a ketogenic meal for her and some of the trials balancing the meals day to day. It's a lot of work but clearly worth every minute since the diet has taken Kaylee from over 150 long seizures a day to around 5 very short seizures. We are still working to get Kaylee seizure free, because even one more seizure is still one too many.
You can find out updates at and
VIDEO: EPILEPSY FOUNDATION: MICHIGAN -The Ketogenic Diet & Other Dietary Therapies for Epilepsy - Denise Potter, RD, CSP, CDE
Published on Nov 10, 2014
Denise Potter, RD, CSP, CDE is a Ketogenic Dietitian with C.S. Mott Children's Hospital. On this call she discusses the following:
VIDEO: Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy: Story and Tips From Experienced Parents
Published on Dec 13, 2012
This is the story of a little girl who suffered from drug-resistant epilepsy and thousands of seizures every day. Thanks to the Ketogenic Diet, seizures are no longer a part of her life.
VIDEO: Grain Brain, Seizure Free On A Ketogenic Diet – A personal Story by a patient of Dr. Perlmutter MD.
Published on Dec 14, 2014
Michelle had been living with a partial complex epilepsy since the age of 6. Over the years she had been to multiple doctors and been on all kinds of different medications but she still continued to have seizures every 6-8 weeks. Michelle came to me after having read Grain Brain and we prescribed a ketogenic diet to see if it would help with her seizures. She has been seizure-free since.
VIDEO: Ketogenic Diet Stops Seizures For Mayo Clinic Pediatric Epilepsy Patient
Uploaded on Oct 20, 2009
Less than a year ago, four-year-old Max Irvine was having hundreds of seizures a day. Under the guidance of Mayo Clinic pediatric neurologist Elaine Wirrell, M.D., Troy and Kristine Irvine took Max off all his epilepsy medications and relied on the ketogenic diet to inhibit his seizures. The day he took his last pill, he started to walk again. That evening he began talking again and Max has not had another seizure since that day. This video tells their story.
VIDEO: Dr Eric Berg - How Much Fat Do I Eat: Ketogenic Diet?
VIDEO: Dr Eric Berg - Will Vegetable Carbohydrates Stop Ketosis?
Dr. Berg talks about vegetable carbohydrates and it's relationship to ketosis and fat burning. Vegetables are low on the glycemic index scale, which means they will not stop ketosis, and the benefits of vegetables give you vitamins and minerals and especially potassium and magnesium.
VIDEO: Mike Dancer (Epilepsy Patient) on Healing Epilepsy with the Ketogenic Diet no dairy
Published on Apr 22, 2013
When Mike Dancer was 34 years old he was diagnosed with Epilepsy. Of course he was perfectly normal for the first 34 years of his life and he now recognizes that he was under chronic stress and had a very poor diet for most of his life.
Given medications and a death sentence if he didn't take them, Mike thought he didn't have a choice and suffered for years with adverse reactions to his sleep patterns, endocrine system and hormone imbalance and many other troubling side effects. After years of taking Epilepsy medications without any sign of healing, Mike weaned himself off the medications and started his own high fat and modified version of the Ketogenic diet.
After only a couple of weeks he felt much better and his seizures were almost immediately reduced in number, intensity and recovery time. Since then Mike entered a body building contest which clearly showed that along with working out, his high fat, low carbohydrate version of the standard ketogenic diet used for epilepsy patients does not add any fat to his body at all.
Mike describes his quality of life as immensely better now. His mantra for those diagnosed with Epilepsy: "You've got to get up and try, don't stay down there, don't stay down, get up and try."
To connect with Mike Dancer, look for links to his social media pages and recommended books below his movie at:

DISCLAIMER: The claims made within this website have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration. The products and information offered both on the website and on any packaging labels or advertisements but not limited to within this website, are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided within this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. This also applies to any and all of our packaging to KETO-TO-GO products herein and future products coming soon. You should ALWAYS consult with a licensed health care professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem