Planning Your Menu
Greetings Dear Keto-To-Go Yummy Lovers!
If you are using the Ketogenic Diet for weight loss or mental clarity, you will not need to be as strict with your carbohydrate counting as an Epileptic child or those looking to combat more serious conditions. We highly recommend and request that you hire a dietician, a nutritionist and/or a keto-aware expert/medical professional of your choice. Feel free to use one of the professionals recommended via the links on our website in order to help you coordinate and plan which items on the KETO-TO-GO menu will be best for you. Whatever physical condition you are looking to experiment with the Ketogenic Diet in order to reduce symptoms or improve your health.
Quitting Grains and Sugars:
In general, just quitting GMO grains and cutting out refined and chemical additive sugars from your diet could alone create massive health benefits. You will never know, unless you try it for yourself. A minimum of 90 days off these items would be a fair test for you to give yourself.
What Level of Ketogenic Diet is Best for You & the Question of Keto Ratios:
Embarking on something as serious as the Ketogenic Diet is not something to be taken lightly and there are many levels of restriction based on your particular needs. This can only be determined by a qualified and licensed Dietician that is familiar with this diet. Perhaps you might try the 4:1 ratio that is needed by Epileptic children that have multiple seizures daily and then find that might be too strict for you, and you don’t need a diet that restrictive. Perhaps you will get the benefits you want with a 3:1 ratio diet or a 2:1 ratio. This research is best handled by a professional that understands the Ketogenic Diet and can suggest which KETO-TO-GO Calculator that you need to best suit what you are wishing to achieve with this lifestyle change.
Product Ratio Levels Marked on All Product Labels:
All our products will indicate what level of KETO Ratios the product contains with the mathematics clearly projected on the box-covers of the products.
If you are not certain about what ratios are best for you and would like the supervision of a KETO-EXPERT Physician (highly recommended), please click here: CONSULT WITH A KETO-EXPERT DOCTOR
To get the service of one of our dieticians to assist you in this process (highly recommended) until you can be independent, click this link here: HIRE A LICENSED KETO-EXPERT DIETICIAN
Check out our Keto-To-Go Menu Calculator – Click Here
I have a video here uploaded to YouTube that will show you exactly how to use it in a FREE LESSON. You will need to know how to use Excel on a basic level of copying and pasting items into your calculator page.
DISCLAIMER: The claims made within this website have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration. The products and information offered both on the website and on any packaging labels or advertisements but not limited to within this website, are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided within this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. This also applies to any and all of our packaging to KETO-TO-GO products herein and future products coming soon. You should ALWAYS consult with a licensed health care professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem